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Attendance and Punctuality

Attendance at school is vitally important for children's academic and social development and as a school we are aiming to have 97% attendance. We work hard with families to support them in good attendance for their child and will involve external agancies where appropriate. Attendance (including punctuality) is tracked and meetings with parents will be held when attendance levels are of concern in order to create a plan moving forward.

We understand that children need to be at home when they are unwell or due to unavoidable situations. If your child is unable to attend school, parents are expected to contact school and notify them for the reason for absence via phone, email or on ParentMail. This should be repeated for each day of absence. We would ask, where possible, for you to arrange medical and dental appointments outside of school hours.

We have recently updated our Attendance Policy in line with DfE changes and wrote to parents to share school's arrangements. A copy of both of these documents is in the box below.

The school doors are open for children at 8.45am and registration is at 8.55am. If your child arrives after 9am they will be marked as 'late' with an L code in the register. Lateness after 9.10am is recorded as U as the registers have closed.

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