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Welcome to Year 1

Welcome to Year 1

 Hello! My name is Mr Pearce and I am delighted to say that I will be teaching in Year 1. Having lived in London for fifteen years, my family and I moved to Stroud in February 2022. I have two daughters who are 9 months old and 2 and a half years old. We absolutely love living here! I grew up in Berkshire and enjoy going back to visit friends and family. After my A Levels, I went on to read English and Philosophy at Exeter University. After university I trained at RADA and became an actor and writer for eight years, following in my gran’s, sister’s and mother’s footsteps! I then changed careers, retrained as a Primary school teacher and taught in London for five years. Alongside my class teaching, I trained as a Forest School Leader and being outside in nature. During our time in London, my wife and I lived on a narrowboat called Hornbeam. Every summer we sailed/chugged to the source of the Thames in Lechlade, where we enjoyed swimming in the river and exploring all the amazing villages along the way.


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